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Editorials: Episodics: 2006 Sep 07 | Screencaps: IV.F.Aug28 & Aug29&30
Videos: As Time Goes By | Graphics: 1 banner | Fan Fiction: STA Episode 1

So ... what is this all about?

Good question. Since getting out of school I've had very little to do with my time (besides the applications and the job hunting and the apartment searching and ... um ... ), so quite unwisely I've inexplicably gravitated back to the soap opera Days of Our Lives, which I first started watching as an unsuspecting wisp of a thing back in 1994. I don't know how I let it happen, but I let it happen, I let the darn thing hook me again. You see, I'd had a good number of years enjoying the fruits of my habit-kicking labors, but then I heard that Melissa Reeves would be leaving the show, and what with Matthew Ashford's impending release thus all but written on the wall, I knew I had to come back and see the final days of my favorite soap couple, Jack and Jennifer Deveraux.

Also, I have discovered the wonderful Devoted to Deveraux message board, which has just the most amazing J/J fans and this awe-inspiring collection of clips spanning a whole heckuva lot of the classic Jack and Jennifer story. So by reliving some of the glory Days I've had a lot to compare the crappy current storylines to, and that sure gives me a lot to babble about too.

Not to mention clips to screen capture and make banners and videos from. I thought I'd go ahead and put them out for everyone to see too. Lastly, I've hatched up a fix 'em style fan-fic to whittle away the wee hours of the night, which makes sense given that the whole situation can't help but conjure up "Gee, I know what I'd do differently" thoughts by the delux U-Haul truck-load.

So I came up with The Deveraux Post (trying in vain to come up with a clever newspaperesque name for the place) to house all these things: babbles (or rather, editorials, to give them a dignified -- and overly pompous -- name), screen-caps, graphics, videos, and the fiction. There's really not much need seeing as how these all could be stored elsewhere and doled out on an ask-for basis, but I just couldn't stand by and let the departure of the quirkiest, zaniest, sweetest, awesome-est of supercouples just march along uncelebrated. This little itty bitty corner of the great big internet is but the tip of the iceberg that is my great love affair with Jack and Jennifer, and I'd like it to be a sort of statement to their never-ending appeal. Now and then I comment about other things on the show, seeing as how I'm as of yet still watching the darn thing, but there's a definite J/J slant to my preoccupations.

So stick around if you'd like, only please don't be offended if my opinions differ with yours. This is just one fan talking here *points to the byline* and I never mean to imply that my word is gospel (except for when it is). I welcome (adore!) discussion, just no flaming or trolling. I'd much rather make like a J/J and bicker with love ;-)

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