Video: "As Time Goes By"
Music artist: Dooley Wilson
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This one was how I commemmorated (commiserated?) Jack and Jennifer's last day on the show (don't ask why it took so long to post it here). I've always loved this song, and I know it was used once for J/J on the show, but I am not sure who the artist was (if you know, I'd love to hear from you!). So I used the version I'm most familiar with, Dooley Wilson's from the Casablanca soundtrack. Those old songs from the golden era of Hollywood just have that special timeless quality, just like Jack and Jennifer. There's just something about those two that reminds you of the old great Hollywood screen duos.
And clearly I'm not the only one on that, as evidenced by the charming little His Girl Friday fantasy they penned for J/J during their Last Adventure (as I'm calling it). May I just say right now that I laaaahved the HGF stuff, I just ate it up, although I always have thought of them more as a Tracy & Hepburn than a Grant & Russell. I'm sure there's holes in that comparison, I'll think of them later. You sure couldn't think of a better movie to fit the bill, though.
Anyway, the video. I tried to include a lot of elements from their story: emotions, comedy, tears, adventure, and good ol' romance, and I did run the span from 1989 to 2006, but you can once again probably detect my preference for the older stuff. Still, the song's lyrics were good for a beginning-to-end retrospective, especially the line "It's still the same old story". Something just clicked with that line for me. Jack and Jennifer were two of the zaniest characters with the craziest adventures of any couple on Days, but what was so wonderful was that all their bantering and being fools and chasing after each other were no more than lines in one very simple dialogue: "I love you, and you love me." Different obstacles and different adventures, different time and different place. Same old story. And it's that juxtaposition of the outlandish circumstances and the basic love story that makes the line "The fundamental things apply" resonate so much for the couple, too. They're really just about the fundamentals: Love is scary, love makes you do idiotic things, love is the most amazing thing in the world. Both of them had this intense need to love and be loved, their characters were never too far above the line of psychological necessity, and that is why their love story was always my favorite: their most outrageous words and deeds always stemmed from the basic human need for love.
So yes, they're gone, but I'll be darned if I don't still go on thinking that what they had will keep resonating with me ... as time goes by ...
(Oh hush. You knew I had to use that line at least once.)
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