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Editorials: Episodics: 2006 Sep 07 | Screencaps: IV.F.Aug28 & Aug29&30
Videos: As Time Goes By | Graphics: 1 banner | Fan Fiction: STA Episode 1

You never call! You never write!

You may have wondered how I could've let the day of Matt and Missy's last taping pass so unceremoniously, without blogging even so much as a word about it. Not that it totally excuses me, but for what it's worth, I'd set off Friday morning with my family (the whole insane kit and caboodle, save one) for a road trip up to Canada, planning to say something about it when I got there. The motels up in the Great White North don't really believe in free wireless, however.

Come to think of it, motels down here in the States don't often believe in it either. So really I ought to have written up something Thursday night to send off before I left. Silly me. In any case, I'm back now, and I return with Things Of Note:

  1. A nearly finished music video featuring J/J dances. I'm nearly done putzing, I just want to make sure I've gotten the best clips in. It's set to Leonard Cohen's "Dance Me To the End of Love", the live version from when his voice has set all gravelly and sexy-like. I'm not sure who out there is familiar with Leonard Cohen, he's a great singer-songwriter (and Canadian too ... coincidence!?!), but incidentally that isn't a genre I often associate with J/J. This time it just worked for me though, the song is really passionate and sensual -- in my humble opinion.
  2. A very-close-to-being-finished first "episode" of my J/J fanfic, which you'd think I could clunk out a lot faster considering I've alloted about 7-8 pages for each daily episode. That's the average number of pages I counted up by pasting in a day's worth of J/J scenes from old scripts, so I am going to stick with 7-8 pages a day, 35-40 pages a week, and 140-160 pages a month in my fanfic. I'd hope to write a day per day, but I also had a lot of the initial storyline to plot out.
  3. A cool hat from Canada. What? You don't care? Fine, but trust me, it's super cool.
I'll also mention that I've got screencaps on the way for the next scene in the Diana Colville/Spectator storyline, I have just a bit more sorting to do, so you can sit on that. I mention these because I've noticed (thanks to my nifty Statcounter web statistics service *pimp pimp*) that the top Google searches leading to clicks on this site are for J/J videos, J/J fanfics, and J/J screencaps. Well, by "leading" I mean they each had one or two, but if you add that up that's like a good 1/6th of all hits I've recieved yet! Actually the leading source of hits is the "Random Blog" button the Blogger toolbar up there *points* has going on, I'm not sure yet if that thing is a good idea or a bad idea. Hrmm ...

Anyway, so you know, that's coming up hopefully tomorrow. Er, today, but later. 2:30 AM is never a good time to start anything.


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